About the Author

I have been interested in all aspects of nature for as long as I can remember: birds, flowers, rocks, bugs, snakes, trees, even spiders and bats. I graduated with a BA in Marketing from Utah State University in 1985. During my time there, I dated a guy who "spoke bird" and was fascinated that he could identify a bird from its sound. It took me thirty years, but I'm finally learning how to do that also. I probably only know about 20 birds but I'm still learning. I found him on Facebook and he still speaks bird!

I started creating the Lake Tahoe scenic calendar in 2011, first publishing Lake Tahoe Scenic Calendar 2012. I have about 500 left, if anyone is interested in them for the pictures. They're free!

I will create a personalized version for individuals or businesses, using your pictures or mine, including your information on the pages, publicizing your business or passion, using your logo and photos from your area, Lake Tahoe or whatever you'd like. Call me if you're interested in your own, custom-made calendar (775) 831-1331.

Check out: acutabovecalendars.com, Lake Tahoe scenic calendars, T-shirts, mugs, totes and woven blanket throws. The website is not fully completed, all products are not yet offered in the store, but I'm building the website myself, as time permits.

If you need to build your own website, I can highly recommend homestead.com, where I was finally able to build the website I wanted. I had struggled with another website builder for a year, and got nowhere. I built this website in a weekend. I'm quite proud of myself and very happy to have found homestead.

Other websites: myquilt.net, where I market my memory quilts. Memory quilts are made from your old garments, your old baby clothes, the shirts or ties of a loved one who has passed on, or essentially anything made of fabric that you want to make into a cool blanket. These are not cheap but each one is crafted with impeccable care and incredible workmanship. I know, because I make it myself! This website was crafted by Cassedy Stein, another Lake Tahoe denizen.

My original effort, that is still on-going: Stitches, masterful alterations and custom sewing. Call for appointment: (775) 831-1331.

On the darker side of life, please visit narcissismathome.blogspot.com. This is a true story (mine), not for the faint of heart or easily offended. Be forewarned--it's dark and ugly. It's the tale of marriage to a narcissist of an extreme degree, Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Through this blog, I have corresponded with dozens of (mostly) women who have had essentially the exact same experience. It's real, it happens, it's not a movie. It's a disaster but an incredible learning experience. It does contain some vile language.

I have probably 200 pages of correspondence from people, who in seeking information on the nightmare that is their marriage, have found the blog and written to me. I am working on editing, gathering permission from individuals to post, in preparation for posting on the blog so that everyone can benefit from the experience and insight of others who have been there. It's a work-in-progress, in cracks of time.....

Another, Toree's Dog Camp. I'll take care of your poochie when you go on vacation, or even during the day if you have mega-errands or have to work long hours. We do long walks in the morning, again in the evening. (That's when I do my research on birds, flowers and trees!)

The dogs mostly hang out inside during the day, usually down in my workroom when I'm sewing and doing fittings. They can bask in the sun out on the fully-enclosed deck, as long as they don't bark! If they bark, they come in. If they roughhouse in the house, they go back out on the deck. Etc. But they have a great time. And everyone gets love pets before bed. I seriously have hair everywhere, as I also have four cats. Which makes for some entertaining moments with all the dogs!

And finally, another blog which I have not yet had time to develop, but I will:
champion-of-the-underdog.blogspot.com where you will find tales of the down-trodden and hopefully eventually a forum for discussion on how to help those less fortunate.

If you are interested in participating in any of my efforts, please email me at: toree.saveourplanetearth@gmail.com.

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